I know this program is extremely old, but I cannot really bury it. Beside, I found that many students are spending their first year with the old-school languages, such as BASIC and Pascal, so I believe some of them may find interest in these old games. If you prefer game programming with a more recent BASIC language, try to visit my VB Game Programming page.
Be aware that these games use FOR…NEXT to handle animation delay, and you must set the delay number manually to match your CPU speed. I wrote these games in an age where Pentium-1 is standard, so expect the difference. If you have any idea about how to make a high-resolution delay/timer with QB, please let me know. All games below are inspired by an outstanding book, yet no longer sold, written by Ferdinand Soeharto in the 90s.
Diamond Crash

A simple game that displays the concept of moving several sprites using data array. Collect the diamonds and avoid the falling rocks. (2002/11/30)
The Devil Mansion

A simple game that displays the tile indexing concept and elementary AI for the enemies. The screen is divided into smaller tiles and each tile contains information of the sprites (heart and bomb). Also, in addition to avoiding the bombs while collecting the hearts, the player must run from three devils who haunt the mansion. (2003/5/24)
Mission Solar System

A space-shooter game. This game shows the concept of multiple sprites array and multiple collision detection. Your mission, as the front line, is to destroy 300 aliens before your power goes to zero. (2005/05/26)
PSET Arranger

A small program that I wrote to help me draw various sprites for games above. The resulting sprite is saved as color information of each coordinate; thus the main game program can re-draw the sprite using PSET command. (2003/05/26)

SEVGA is a powerful sprite drawing program for BASIC with simple GUI. It is not mine, but since it is very difficult to find this great program, I decided to put it in here without any intention to offend the author. As far as I know, the program is not commercialized. The first version was made by Ferdinand S. (2002/11/30)